Production Blog - I Made It!

      Hey guys! I am so excited to finally be done with my AICE Media Studies Commercial about me! I remember back when I was assigned this project, I'll have to admit, I was not so sure of how my end product would turn out. But now that I have finally completed it, I realize that it was nothing to be scared of. In fact, I learned so much throughout the process, and this is only the beginning. Since I last posted my production blog, I have not done a huge amount of work, but I did finish it off! These final changes included adding the last video clip, as well as making transition edits. I looked at the various transitions I could add and I was amazed at how many were available! Some of them were a blur out, while others zoomed in, and some were almost like Dutch shots that were at an angle, but then straightened out to the next image. I spent a lot of time, getting the right clip of my last video. This video was from me and my friends at my summer camp. I wanted a certain part of the song to end the commercial. So, it took a few times to get the timing right. But I did end up getting it to where I wanted in the end. After this, I did I final run through of everything in the commercial. Then I played it a few times to make sure that everything was like how I wanted it to be. Then I was pretty much done. I finished the commercial and saved it to my device. When I look back on how the project went, I thought about things that I could have improved and things that I felt went well. I definitely think that for my first time, I did really well, but I do know that there are probably some editing techniques I still need to get used to. Anyways, I am ready to work on the next new exciting project! Bye guys!


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