Production Blog - The Kickoff

     Hey guys, it's Lindsay! I have begun my commercial project, and have started selecting apps, and editing platforms to further enhance and create my commercial. To start, I picked out some software apps that will help assist me in making my commercial. Since I will be filming on my iPhone, I thought about using iMovie, but realized that I could take advantage of an app such as CapCut, and make more dynamic pieces. I researched various platforms, but settled on CapCut. I believe I am able to get much more quality tools out of a free software, than other ones. Once I downloaded these onto my device, I then played around with the software and made sure I was a little more comfortable with the different tools available on it.
     Since I have already chosen most of the photos and clips I am using in my commercial, I made sure to check the length of the videos, and finalize my song. Since I will be using New Romantics by Taylor Swift, I chose which portion of the song I would like to think about playing. Even though I am not totally sure how I will be using the song, I at least know for sure which song I will be choosing. Next, I saved all the components going into the commercial such as the videos and pictures, to an album for convenient access in the future. I additionally went through and made sure all the pictures were good quality and clear as well. I then went in and fixed any issues that were present in the photos and videos, such as clarity, lighting, warmth, etc.
     In my notebook, I planned out how I was going to organize my commercial. I chose whether or not I wanted the videos at the end of the commercial, or the beginning. I also wrote down the length that each component was going to be displayed for. This part of the process took some time for me to decided what I wanted, and I'm sure it may change as I move further into the project. This step was crucial, because without a solid plan, it will be hard to efficiently compose a well thought-out commercial, that is both appealing and interesting. I still feel as though I have more work to do when it comes to the organization of the photos and clips within the commercial, but I at least have an idea of what I want to take place. Overall, I think that so far I have made sufficient progress with my commercial, and I am eager to see how I piece it together in the end!


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