
      This project was a great experience, with so many nuances and also brought up many new learning curves. As far as the technology goes, I learned to use CapCut. This was an amazing editing software that really allowed me to easily edit and create my commercial. Learning on this platform did not take awhile, but I definitely had to figure out all the ways I could use it. For example, how to add my song, insert photos, add captions, and more. I also learned about how to import items into the commercial, embed a video and post a video to YouTube.

     When completing this project, along every step there were obstacles I faced. Some of them were technology malfunctions, and others were simply learning to use the editing software. I learned a lot about dealing with frustration throughout the process, and also knowing how to deal with this when something went wrong. I learned when I needed to start a blog to get it submitted on time, and I also taught myself better skills when it came to managing my time well. I worked on balancing work from other Cambridge classes with my AICE Media Studies work. This was a crucial learning part in this project. This also gave me insight to how I need to plan my timing for future AICE Media Studies projects. 

     When looking at how the project turned out, I definitely feel there are some things I could work on to improve the quality. I added transitions between each piece of media whether it was a video or photo. But, I think that I could have chosen a smoother transition that would have made the commercial flow better. Even though I added a credit at the end of the commercial to state where my song was from, I could have made the ending more appealing. As far as an intro, I should have increased the length of the cover photo. I enjoyed how this project allowed me to work on my media and editing skills. I am very new to this level of technology, but I am still proud of myself for being able to joyfully learn and improve over the past couple weeks. All in all, this project process was surprisingly very enjoyable, and I felt that I personally learned a lot from it. Even though there were a few things I could alter to improve the quality, I think that the work I did create was still very substantial.


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