Research and Planning Blog

      Hi! It's Lindsay, and this is the process I went through, when selecting the videos, photos and other content for my commercial. I enjoy dancing, specifically ballet, and I find joy in spending time with family and hanging out with friends. The song I will include is 'New Romantics' by Taylor Swift. The reason why I chose this song to be featured in my commercial, is because I grew up listening to Taylor Swift, and she is currently one of my favorite artists. This is also one of my favorite songs by her. 

     The photos I am including depict images of my life, such as my family, pets, friends, hobbies and much more. One image is of me dancing at a summer camp, ballet intensive. The reason I chose this photo is because I have worked very hard to get to this achievement, and this image is a memory of a milestone in my life. This next image is of me and my best friends. Their names are Rowyn, Vivienne and Mela. They all came into my life when I needed them most, and they are always by my side when I need them. I am so thankful I get to experience high school with them. The next photo is of my dogs. I adopted them both from my local Humane Society, because my family is very involved at our animal shelter. My fifth photo is my family. My family means everything to me. I love traveling with them, spending time with them, and having our weekly family dinners. This photo was my family when we traveled to Hawaii. This trip was very educational, and I fell in love with the nature and the waters of the beautiful, tropical islands of Hawaii. My final photo is from a Christian summer camp I attended after my freshman year of high school. This was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life. I met so many wonderful people who have changed my life for the better. I attended with my closest friends, other individuals from my school, and also made so many new friends. I learned many things, and am so grateful for the opportunity. 

     The first video I am including is a clip from this Christian summer camp, where my peers and I served food for all the children and counselors at the camp. I am choosing this video, because it was an important part of camp, and it demonstrates the purpose of being there, which was to serve others. The second video I am adding is of my and my best friends singing and laughing together. This was at one of our sleepovers, which is one of my favorite things to do. I also included this as an important memory. All together, this is the content I plan to add into my commercial.


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