Production Blog - The Commencement!

     Hey guys! It's Lindsay again, and my group and I have finally started filming! Yesterday, my group gathered at a restaurant to discuss our plan for the day. I brought up the work I had done on planning the outfits. I explained which outfits would go with each scene. Then, I went to one of my group mate's houses to officially begin the filming process. The car scene was one of the first locations for the music video. After spending time getting all the angles right, the car scene was finally finished. There was an over the shoulder shot and a medium-close up. I organized everyone into their correct outfits, and went to the mall afterwards. The first location was in a store. The first thing to do was request permission to film at their location. Once they granted permission, my group got to work! The camera was set up, and I made sure to angle it right, and to correctly position the tripod. After this, I reviewed the progress my group made, and I consulted with them to see what was next on the to do list. The next scene to be filmed was on a bridge with a sunset. The outfits that I had planned were sundresses. My group made our way to a safe location on the sidewalk portion of the bridge and began the scene. This was the last thing that was completed that day. 
     The next day included less scenes from the day before, but it was still full of work and separate locations. The costume I planned for this day were beach outfits. Each individual was to dress in slightly different, pieces that still went with the beach theme. My groupmate's dad dropped us off at the beach, and I set up the tripod on the sand. The first beach scene was a clip of my group and I running into the water. Then, a volleyball scene was filmed, along with a tracking shot. I proposed different ideas about how to film each scene, and so did my groupmates. So far, my group and I had finished up for these two filming days. I felt that I was productive, along with my group mates. The next few scenes will be filmed at somebody else's house. See you guys soon! Bye!


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